>be me
Gnarly, Dec 27 2014
>be me
>go play live poker
>act socially awkward
>this puts people on massive tilt
>especially when i win
>be one of ten players
>the other nine are playing to specifically stack me
>mfw i steamroll the SHIT out of them

>yfw you thought patrick was retarded, not actually smarter than squidward or whatever his name is

>old man winter
Gnarly, Dec 18 2014
>10 day forecast
>temps no lower than 50
>could get as high as 80 for a couple of days
other than that, i saved myself quite a bit of money at the tables tonight, jesus. omaha 1/3 - button, 5 limps i have qqjj double suited, i pot. 7 callers. flop comes out kxx two hearts, 4th to act pots, i end up folding cause no draws. him and another get it in. aaqq double suited v aakk double suited. still up a couple of buyins for the month with the low volume i have. next year, i want to hit up the wsop circuits in the south, though, i'd try to sell some action to some regs around town.

>be me
Gnarly, Dec 08 2014
>play PLO
>getting coolered every time i have a set, straight, flush, full house, or quads
>im getting coolered multiple times with quads
>just within typing this i get coolered with q flush v k flush
Cooler after cooler after cooler. I'm at the point where I have no idea if I was playing bad or playing good. I sit there, laugh my ass off that I'm about to get coolered again, but still have to play it the same way, and then wham, on the river, there's the cooler. I try to set traps, get coolered. I play and get it in good, get coolered. I even tried getting it in bad, and I still get coolered. (kt high v k9 high) (yes, they called with kt high on the river in PLO)
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